ScreenPro FH
Screening Project for Familial Hypercholesterolemia
in Central, Southern and Eastern Europe


Country leader: Professor Meral Kayıkcıoglu, MD


Population: 84 000 000

Estimated number of FH patient: 168 000 (prevalence 1:500)

Number of patients in the database: 3 159

National center: Ege University, Cardiology Department, Lipid Clinic Izmir
(> 1000 patients in database)

Other centers: planned 30 centers

Lipid network in country: doesn´t exist yet, but with a new registry are going to be established a new lipid centers connected to FH network.

FH programme: in development/ FH activities: there was conducted the Adult HoFH Apheresis Registry (A-HIT) and reached 88 adult patients from 14 apheresis centers (first results were presented at EAS and ESC meetings), started with a HeFH registry (A-HIT 2) that is approved by the Ethics Comity and the first patients will be enrolling in October after the investigator meeting, planning to reach 1000 HeFH patients from 31 centers (these centers will serve as FH clinics connected with a network in the near future), the Turkish Patient FH Association was established in April 2016, FH educational meeting for cardiologist were performed in 7 different regions in Turkey in 2015

Criteria: Dutch lipid clinic network diagnostic criteria

LDL apheresis: available

Number of LDL apheresis centres: 18