ScreenPro FH
Screening Project for Familial Hypercholesterolemia
in Central, Southern and Eastern Europe


Country leader: Professor Nebojsa Tasic, MD, MSc,

Assoc. Professor Katarina S. Lalic, MD, PhD


Population: 7 186 862

Estimated number of FH patients: 14 373 (prevalence 1:500)

Number of patients in the database: 900

National centres: Clinic for Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolic Diseases; Department for Lipid Disorders; Clinical Center of Serbia, Belgrade

Other centres: 0

Lipid network in country: doesn’t exist/in development

FH programme: there isn´t any national FH programme in Serbia at the moment; screening, diagnosis and treatment of patients with FH are based in one lipid center, patients with FH are referred to this center mostly from primary health care levels (GPs)

Criteria: Dutch lipid clinic network diagnostic criteria

LDL apheresis: available

Number of LDL apheresis centres: 2