ScreenPro FH
Screening Project for Familial Hypercholesterolemia
in Central, Southern and Eastern Europe

ScreenPro FH partnership with FH Europe

ScreenPro FH partners with FH Europe to build stronger advocacy in Central, Eastern and Southern Europe.

In the efforts to build a stronger international “one voice” for the Familial Hypercholesterolaemia community, ScreenPro FH is pleased to partner with FH Europe.

With this partnership in place ScreenPro FH intends to collaborate with FH Europe and its members to deliver on our shared mission and reach countries with unmet needs.

FH Europe is a patient network of 24 patient organisations across Europe, whose mission is the advancement of health and the prevention of early cardiovascular disease, particularly but not exclusively by the provision and sharing of information about dyslipidaemia, including familial hypercholesterolaemia (FH) and related conditions. 

FH Europe aims are:

  • To share information and best practice across Europe
  • To Work with experts to focus on themes and topics of interest to the patients and families we represent
  • To support development of newer or smaller patient groups and individuals wanting to start a patient group

An important element of the collaboration of the 2 organizations pivots around educating and increasing awareness of familial hypercholesterolemia amongst general public and physicians (GPs, internists, cardiologists, diabetologists). “Some of the FH Europe Network organizations are already part of ScreenPro FH project or closely collaborate with its members’ in their respective countries. It is therefore a natural step in our goal to raising awareness and educating about the condition, both among general public and the medical community (including primary and specialty care), as well as the health care delivery systems.” – said Magdalena Daccord, FH Europe Chief Executive.

Joint aims of the partnership are:

  • to disseminate the information about the burden of FH to an international audience including patients’ organisations, physicians, other healthcare professionals and policy-makers,
  • to help reduce gaps in knowledge, inform best practices, assist in clinical trials design, share and exchange of educational materials, support clinical guidelines and policies development,
  • to better inform public-health policy on the detection and treatment of FH, 
  • and ultimately, to improve the care of FH patients.

“We are really happy for this new active partnership with FH Europe, as we know how important is efficient communication between specialists and patients. We hope that new patient activities and our expanded network can only improve everyone involved or dealing with FH.”
ScreenPro FH Team

For more information about FH Europe please visit .