ScreenPro FH
Screening Project for Familial Hypercholesterolemia
in Central, Southern and Eastern Europe


Country leader: Professor Olena Mitchenko, MD


Population: 42 760 500

Estimated number of FH patients: 85 521 (prevalence 1:500)

Number of FH patients in database: 231

National center: National Scientific Center, Kyiv

Other centers: 4 (in development)

Lipid network in country: doesn’t exist/in development

FH programme: active detection of patients with suspected FH, with the further definition of the family history, lipid profile, the identification of markers of subclinical atherosclerosis, conducting stress tests, computer tomography coronary angiography (if the diagnosis is confirmed, patients’ family is included)

Criteria: Dutch lipid clinic network diagnostic criteria, Simon Broome diagnostic criteria